MIRALU, a leader company in the European market and an active member of ECCA, produces powder coated aluminium, Mirawall® brand available in widths of 1000 mm – 1250 mm -1500 mm, with the possibility of custom length and thicknesses from 0.80 mm up to more than 2.00 mm. The material is painted with special thermosetting powders resin-based at a high flexibility, Mirawall® offers to undergo any types of production by maintaining its original look unchanged and offers maximum resistance to mechanical deformations.
Per queste caratteristiche e per la valenza estetica della loro superficie, perfettamente piana e priva di difetti, i laminati Mirawall® vengono impiegati con successo per una serie infinita di applicazioni nel campo dell’edilizia, dai rivestimenti di facciata fino ai complementi di serramenti.
Mirawall®, in sostituzione dei materiali termoplastici, per la loro totale resistenza al fuoco e per l’infinita gamma di colori disponibili che comprende più di 300 tinte, con la possibilità di creare soluzioni personalizzate.
Performance Benefits:
Perfect for bending and stamping operations
Very good for all thickness
Identical and homogeneous with powder coated extrusions. Free of drilled holes in the sheets
Excellent resistance to fire, classification A2, s1-d0 according to NF EN 13501-1
Material guaranteed for 10 years
Wide choice of color and brightness : over 300 colors and fi nishes. Color match on request
Use of green products, without solvent or Chrome. Zero rejection. 100 % recycling